Tuesday, June 23, 2020

First Post Since August 2011-Bar Review-Marie's Riptide Lounge

Since the pandemic started, one of my law school classmates (Class of 01') has been arranging a bi-weekly zoom chat.  After four or five I started writing weekly reminders in the form of e-mails similar to the ones I would write in school telling my classmates which Chicago bar we were going to that Thursday night.  I'm going to post those e-mails here.
Dear Friends,

It’s been 21 years since we started law school together.  That’s a long time.  A lot has changed. 99.5% of us married each other and had children.  A few of those children are now in High School.  Some of you have important jobs.  Some of you had important jobs but are now shlubs. Big shout out to Andy was just named the GC for a medical data company that has been described as “The Next Theranos.” 

To reflect upon all the things that have changed since law school, this week’s Bar Review (and future ones) will be held at bars no longer in existence.  This week’s night out is being held, in spirit, at Marie’s Riptide Lounge on Armitage just west of the Dan Ryan Expressway.  They closed in 2013.  They had Old Style, pickled eggs, and a skeet shooting game.  I know we were there on more than one late night but I only remember a night (that wasn't Valentine's Day) when they had Valentine’s Day decorations hanging from the ceiling and Erik and I spent a significant amount of time with the skeet shooting game.  They also had an excellent jukebox (with some Linda Ronstadt…I think).  Marie passed on at the ripe old age of 88.  She lived above the bar and treated her employees like family.

So this week’s Bar Review is, in spirit, at the Rip Tide Lounge.  They will give you 2 for 1 Old Styles with your student ID. To get there from the law school, cab it.   Doors open at 7:30 Chicago time.

See you Thursday,

The Social Committee

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