Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Pandemic Bar Review - Lounge Ax

Since the pandemic started, one of my law school classmates (Class of 01') has been arranging a bi-weekly zoom chat.  After four or five I started writing weekly reminders in the form of e-mails similar to the ones I would write in school telling my classmates which Chicago bar we were going to that Thursday night.  I'm going to post those e-mails here.

Dear Friends,

Be advised that this bar review message is all about me and my memories.  It’s not necessarily about you.  It’s also not funny, it’s just sentimental.

Our 2L year was the year I got to write these weekly e-mails.  It was also the year I lived with Paul Godinez and Bill Springer on Halsted between Webster and Belden which was conveniently located a short walk from this week’s bar (and next week’s bar).

I spent every Monday night at Lounge Ax with Mike Pardo because that was where Pat McCurdy played until the bar closed in early 2000.  It was pretty dingy and very small but it was an awesome place to see live music.  I still listen to a recording of a Jeff Tweedy show from the bar’s last few nights of existence.

Pat McCurdy plays cheesy Irish bar music but Mike and I loved being there every Monday and we had a rotating group that joined us on a pretty regular basis.  Holly was there a lot and Corinne O’Melia was there at least half the time as well.  Some of my favorite memories were when you guys would show up on my birthday or some other occasion.  It made me feel very special and I’m getting all Fleming-like reminiscing about it.   Those nights were just pure fun and after this melancholy e-mail I wish we could grab some pitchers at Lounge Ax and listen to Pat play some of those silly tunes.  Lounge Ax closed about halfway through school and Pat started playing at Beat Kitchen (which has also hosted the Brand New Shoes) but Beat Kitchen was spacious by comparison and never had the crazy sing-along togetherness that Lounge Ax provided.

If you’re a weak ass liberal wearing a face-mask, you can buy one emblazoned with the title of his most famous song, If you haven’t had enough Pat for one e-mail, here is the greatest Wisconsin themed music video of all time with lots of white people doing the dance.  And if you still haven’t had enough you can listen to random songs from Pat’s insanely large catalog here.

I love you guys.  I promise to write something funnier next week.

Let’s all show up at Lounge Ax by 8PM this Thursday so we can get a table and not have to sit on those gross steps at the back of the room.

See you Thursday,

The Social Committee


This was the goodbye message Lounge Ax’s owners Julia and Sue(Jeff Tweedy’s Wife) posted on their website when they closed:

Monday January 17, 2000
We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who ever set foot in our beloved little dump on Lincoln Avenue, to all the bands who played our last weeks, everyone who helped us move, and everyone who sent us good thoughts, flowers and wishes. And of course we want to thank our amazing employees, who will always be part of our family. Also, we want to thank the press for their support.
We will continue to look for a new space, and will keep the website updated as best we can. Thanks again.
Julia and Susan

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